The human organism pulsates in notes of harmony

Every human organism meets these specifications that will give it health, well-being and positive energy in its daily life.

All of us may experience time and space entrapment from time to time. Most of us believe that our mental health changes our biology over time. We at B-healthyprotocols, after many years of study and thought, believe that our “inside”, the orderly functioning of cells, tissues, organs and ultimately the body, affects the “outside”, our bioenergy, our mental and physical wellness.

Our purpose is with an appropriate health protocol (B-healthy protocols) to restore cell damage and strengthen the body’s homeostasis. The simplified B-healthy protocol replenishes the body’s minerals and trace elements, focuses on the causes of damage, to external environmental factors, such as radiation, microbes, parasites with detoxification products.

In addition, we support specific alkaline nutrition which inspires the composition of our products.

Something doesn’t go ‘well’ with our body and it ‘spoils’ the psychology and not the other way around. We are not only what we eat, but after the billions of our microbiome, we are what eats us.

Therefore, with D3 5000, B-complex, IRON, HAIR and MORE, Folate drops, we reduce homocysteine levels, give vitality to our body and increase its energy.

With Broccoli sprout extract 1000 mg, COMBO (magnesium bisglycinate 125 mg + Q10 50 mg) and vitamin C (non-acidic calcium ascorbate), we weaken the micro-organisms, detoxify the body, increasing glutathione levels, thus strengthening the antioxidant mechanisms.

Young people often feel exhausted, abstract and extremely stressed. They experience a premature aging syndrome. They attribute it all to external factors of our stressful everyday life. Until there is a lack of folate, B12, D3 iron and high homocysteine. It is obviously not enough to replenish B-complex, Iron, Hair & more, but to give an answer to why it is lacking. Apparently some biohacker is depriving us of them. A usual suspect is Helicobacter pylori. In addition to the entire effort of the gastroenterologist, we also recommend Mastic + Broccoli sprout extract.

It is enough to make up for vitamin deficiencies and get rid of helicobacter pylori, blastocystis hominis, eserihia coli, streptococcus.
We must disrupt the micro-organisms environment that allows them to multiply their colonies.

How is it possible?
With a proper alkaline diet! We avoid anything acidic!One main reason we don’t use citric acid in our supplements…
B-healthy protocols with the supplements-notes of well-being and harmony will always be by your side so that all of us are able to enjoy the small and great joys of our lives.

B-healthy protocols:
1. Organizational empowerment
2. Detoxification – Weakening of microbes
3. Alkaline Diet
4. Positive thinking – energy
5. Exercise -Grounding

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